Why do we give flowers?

Giving is universal to every culture. Flowers have long been a favourite choice to give to others and are the perfect way to let someone know you care.  

Emotional connection

Giving flowers helps us connect to and communicate emotions. Love, sorrow, joy, appreciation, apologies…flowers can say so many things to the person who receives them in an elegant and beautiful manner. Flowers in general symbolise love and care but you can choose particular blooms, colours or arrangements to communicate just about any emotion at all. Giving flowers shows others that we care and we have thought about them, especially when we incorporate their favourite flower or colour into the arrangement. By giving flowers we are communicating an idea, feeling or emotion, as well as the physical flowers, making them a heartfelt and meaningful gift.

Smiles & Joy

Flowers make us smile. When you receive flowers, you can’t help but feel better. You know that someone has taken time out of their day to choose flowers for you. When you give flowers, you too feel good. Scientific research has shown that flowers can genuinely boost your mood, increasing happiness and decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety. This has been put down to the culturally learned association of flowers as a symbol of positivity. We feel less anxious after receiving flowers so it isn’t a surprise that we love receiving them!


When you are not sure what to give, flowers are the perfect gift. They say exactly what we need them to each time. They are easily accessible and an easy gift to give. Giving flowers has been around for centuries and is a social norm. We grew up seeing our parents gifting flowers, we saw the joy they brought, and so we continue to do it. When you are not sure what to give, flowers are a great choice.


The Beauty of Wearable Flowers: A Guide to Floral Accessories for Weddings and Special Events